Rich Sherman says “The biggest threat to our well-being is the absence of moral clarity and purpose.” A clear and succinct purpose is imperative to not only life but for every business, especially a startup company. At some point in life, everyone asks themselves whether what they are doing is important or not and why they are doing it. If you are unable to find the answer, or your answer is money then you have not defined a clear purpose, and you may be off track.
Your purpose is what drives your motivation. A great purpose gives you the energy and inspiration for the rest of your life. Purpose is not about a status symbol or an image, it is about your impact. If you have a purpose, you have a feeling of fulfillment. No amount of money in the world can compare to pursuing your purpose.
Mark Twain once said, “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” Dr. Myles Munroe said, “The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without a purpose.” These two quotes are enough to press upon the importance of our purpose in life.
Purpose also acts as the core foundation of your business that leads to leadership success. Every business in the world goes through the toughest of times that shakes the ground beneath it, but the company’s purpose is what provides the stability and keeps it solid. That’s why knowing your purpose means you know the meaning and the direction of your journey. Therefore, it is imperative to pursue your purpose in everything you do; in short, make your life purposeful and fulfill your purpose.
Knowing your purpose is not a one-day job, but rather it is a process of discovery that unfolds, full of hard lessons involving a lot of trial and error. On the off chance that you need to find out how something functions, you return to ask the person who created it. God knows more than anybody what your purpose is. At some point when you start to live as per your purpose, you totally change in every sense; how you perceive things, view the world, your life, your conditions, in a nutshell, everything changes. You become laser-focused in light of the fact that you only involve those people in your journey who share the same sense of purpose, otherwise it is only an interruption. Whatever action you take in your life becomes automatically aligned with your purpose.
A clear purpose not only offers inspiration to individuals, but it also offers clarity on your business strategy and marketing. The clear purpose of an organization markets an impression of why individuals join and stay with your organization. The purpose effectively regresses into meeting the monthly or yearly targets and the organization’s strategy is unequivocally guided by its purpose.
Little changes in your purpose have the capacity to drive greater outcomes in the commercial hub. In the event that you are sure about your purpose, and that the brand isn’t only a trademark on a TV commercial, but rather it is lived by company representatives, reflected in your products and services, and felt by your clients. It is undeniably more enduring than any single campaign message or even a field-tested business strategy for a year.
Beginning with purpose isn’t generally a simple or clear decision. There are numerous snags throughout the journey and it is too easy just to default your focus on the profit or KPIs of the organization. Nonetheless, an emphasis on purpose will naturally keep employee engagement, strategy, and branding on target.
Many businesses have adopted the philosophy that doing well also means doing good. For instance, companies with an established sense of purpose not only measure their success in a certain bottom-line figure but also measure it in terms of social impacts, such as community growth. The companies with the clarity of purpose outperform the companies without the clear presence of purpose. Stakeholders have a growing desire to have a purpose beyond the balance sheet at all levels in organizations with a purpose that impacts the wider world in a positive way. According to Harvard Business Review (HBR) Analytic Services survey, indeed, today 90% of executives recognize the importance of having “an aspirational reason for being which inspires and provides a call to action for an organization and provides benefit to society.” Therefore, the presence of a larger purpose is said to boost company performance, driving higher employee engagement and a stronger capacity for innovation and adaptation.
Why is having a purpose important?
● It is the starting point of meaningful work
● You have clarity of what is important and what is not
● You get a constant dose of drive and passion
● You devote your time to pursue your purpose because it gives you the most fulfillment
● You naturally get better at it, even if you start from ground zero, because the time you spend on pursuing your purpose will give you the experience and skills to succeed
Last but not the least, Passion, Purpose, Plan, Partners, and Persistence are the “5Ps of Life”; the pursuit of profit is no longer enough for an increasing number of businesses and their employees, therefore, whenever you are enticed to stop pursuing your purpose or that you recoil back in dread of going after it, consider the shortfall you are leaving for most of us who need you and are relying upon you to share your strengths and abilities so that we can satisfy our individual and collective purpose.