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Sustainable development goals in a circle

Supporting Tomorrow’s Leaders the Canadian Way

Sustainable development goals in a circle

There is often a worry concerning the world we are leaving behind for our children (and our children’s children). I think this is why I have come to support the Sustainable Development Goals, as this is the best way to ensure future generations enjoy the comforts of life and the planet that we ourselves got to have.

The question then becomes what can we do to ensure the next generations are properly set up? Looking at Generation Z (and beyond) what steps should we be taking to make sure these kids are raised right? We in Canada have been blessed with many advantages and I know we can find the right way to ensure the next generation will be ready to raise the SDGs to the next level.

Let’s look at what we need to do.

Interestingly enough, it will likely be easier for our children to follow the SDGs and the changes made to meet these goals than it is for us. Their youth means they are not as stuck in their ways or used to a certain routine and so changes made for the betterment of the planet won’t be as jarring for them.

Using the school system to introduce them to the SDGs is an excellent idea—and is being done across the country—but potentially this is a concept that can be introduced earlier than it currently is.

The good news is there are resources for educators wanting to impart this vital environmental message on the younger generation. The Global Schools Program and the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) SDG Academy both offer excellent information and courses to help pass on the vital information. There is also the World’s Largest Lesson, a fantastic resource for educators looking to add the SDGs to their lesson plans.

There are so many benefits that will come from educating our youth (and ourselves) on the issues and potential of the SDGs. These are the leaders of tomorrow and we want to make sure they have the facts and information they’ll need to conquer the monster that is climate change.

Once we get them educated the next step is to get our youth involved.

Much has been written on the importance of volunteering, with studies finding it improves physical and psychological health and volunteer work serving as a stepping stone in people’s career paths.

Getting Generation Z et al involved in the SDGs will not be a hard endeavor, as this generation truly believes in the concept of equality and wants to do its part to better the world.

Enter Generation SDG – Youth Action on the SDGs. This federally created initiative is working with our youth to help them launch and participate in volunteer projects that are working towards the successful completion of the SDGs.

Specifically, SDG Ambassadors are being given the tools and resources to develop solutions to pressing issues in their community and then will be working with their peers to enact these solutions.

This is an amazing initiative and I can’t wait to see what solutions Generation Z and Generation SDG bring forth.

Obviously Generation Z is going to need different types and levels of support when it comes to their growth and education. The good news is this support is coming forth.

Take Scotiabank for example. The company recognizes the importance of providing opportunities and support to the youth of today and created the Young People in the Community (YPC) Index to help determine how the company can best direct its resources to provide the optimum support to the youth of the Americas.

Working with Enactus Canada the bank has presented the Scotiabank Youth Empowerment Challenge, giving tomorrow’s innovators and entrepreneurs the chance to show their potential, hone their craft and win prize money all at the same time.

We want Generation Z to live up to their potential and it’s great to see a Canadian financial institution doing what it can to help.

It can be terrible to think about the world we are leaving to our children. Rather than wallowing in guilt, though, we need to do everything we can to ensure they have the knowledge, tools and access to continue the fight to save the planet.

There is a lot of power and potential coming forward in Generation Z. Just look at the recent climate march and the millions of youth that stood up and made their voices heard. These kids will bring forth innovations and solutions we never would have thought of. I’m looking forward to seeing it.