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The Power of Purposeful Work

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So often new concepts come across as nothing more than buzz words, empty concepts designed to look like progress or change but really just regurgitating old norms.

This is not the case with purposeful work, which has the potential to bring true change to the workforce.

At its nature it was created to address our need to find meaning in our day-to-day lives and the word at large.

Used properly purposeful work will bring about the right kind of change. Let’s look at what it can do and what we should be doing to make the purposeful work movement more powerful.

First off, purposeful work will give the work world the revamp it desperately needs.

Workers today are often stressed and unmotivated, seeing an economy rigged to benefit the 1%. This is reducing employee engagement and increasing job dissatisfaction.

Purpose and purposeful work bring meaning and goodness to the business world. It turns the corporate world from a soulless profit maker to a powerful change bringer.

If you want to be excited about the work you’re doing and you want to look forward to what the next day brings then you want purposeful work to have a stronger presence in our marketplace.

Purposeful work can also radically improve our health.’

It shouldn’t be too surprising to learn that your job is linked to your health. It’s such a huge part of your life so it obviously has an expanding impact. Surprising or not, though, this link is one that should be remembered.

Stress and anxiety are some of the leading causes in an endless number of medical issues. Modern employment—often precarious and low-paid—has added major stresses to the lives of the modern worker. This is a dangerous circle.

What do you do? This is why purposeful work is so important. By seeking out purposeful work you can bring meaning and fulfillment into your life and dramatically improve your emotional and psychological well-being.

This, of course, is a good illustration of the incredible importance of purposeful work and why you need to pay more attention to the field.

Purposeful work can also save capitalism.

Capitalism is in many ways a great invention from humankind and has radically changed how our societies operate. It is, of course, far from perfect—as growing inequality and environmental implications illustrate— and needs fine-tuning to better meet the needs of humanity and our society at large.

Enter conscious capitalism.

This revamp introduces purpose into capitalism, allowing companies the opportunity to both operate as typical businesses and make a positive impact on the world at large.

Turning the business world into something that is conscious and sustainable, this may prove to be one of purposeful work’s most powerful advantages.

This push to conscious capitalism may be brushed aside by businessmen and –women so used to the status quo they can’t see the forest from the trees but this hardly reduces its potential.

Conscious capitalism can and will radically improve our relationship to work and the economy and, properly embraced, will put us on the path to a better and cleaner society. We need this upgrade and purposeful work will help bring us there.

Purposeful work cannot and should not be ignored. It has so much potential in its blood and we need to explore this as much as possible to help make the world a better place.

Let’s use purposeful work to remake the world into the best version of itself. It’s the right thing to do.