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Why We Need Conscious Capitalism

why we need conscious capitalism


Let’s face it: The world is always a scary place but right now it’s a really scary place. Rather than hide this means we should heed the warnings and take a long look at how we can make things better. Last week we touched on how purposeful work and capitalism intersect and I think now we need to take a better look at conscious capitalism.

Conscious capitalism may prove to be the most important revamp of our time. It stands to be our best bet when it comes to keeping the benefits of the past while protecting the lives of everything on the planet now and in the future.

Here are three reasons why conscious capitalism is something to get behind.

By now we all know the negative image most people have of corporations and their job at said corporation. We wake up bleary-eyed, put on monkey suits and fight our way through the morning commute to sit at our desks and do our part to make the 1% richer. We do the bare minimum then wander home and hope to find some joy or fun before we go to sleep and the cycle begins again.

This is not a society we should be fighting to maintain.

Imagine instead that you believed in what you were doing at work. Imagine knowing your team and your workplace were doing amazing things—while also paying your bills.

It’s easy to see why company morale is higher at businesses following conscious capitalism.

These companies have happier workers and experience lower turnover. This is exactly the employee base you need to keep your company surviving and thriving.

The company with a strong heart will keep beating even when adversity strikes. Remember that.

Another reason to embrace conscious capitalism: the financial benefits.

Yes, this may at first seem hypocritical or paradoxical but you can both care about the planet and equality and the financial prospects of your business.

Multiple studies have shown that businesses following conscious capitalism radically outperform their competitors. Most notably, Harvard Business Review found that conscious capitalism businesses perform 10 times better than their competitors.

This makes sense when you look at the negative impression big business tends to hold. Conscious capitalism allows companies to shed the heartless and cutthroat persona that comes with the title and category of corporation. We’re not in it for ourselves: we’re working to make the world a better place. Join us and do your part.

Giving entrepreneurs the change to do good for the planet and for their wallet. This is what conscious capitalism brings us.

Conscious capitalism also has a big hand in helping us achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) as a business world operating in a conscious fashion is also operating sustainably.

This is much needed as, as it currently stands, most of the business world is not actively operating within the SDG’s template.

The truth is we all need to do our part to ensure our footprint isn’t so overpowering it damages the planet and all the creatures living on it. This includes businesses.

It should seem natural that all humans would embrace the efforts that are necessary for the survival of the planet and our species. Conscious capitalism is how we can put big business and the marketplace on the right path.

Interested in joining the conscious capitalism cause? There are multiple routes you could take.

You can hire a consultant or take classes to become a conscious capitalism consultant and use this info to better reform businesses (including your own).

There are conferences like the Conscious Capitalism World-Changing Women’s Summit or the CEO Conference.

Lead With Love offers programs and retreats designed to help cultivate conscious capitalist leaders.

Whichever route you take you will be helping to take us to the next stage of our evolution. It’s the right thing to do.