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How to Make Purposeful Connections

Hands making a purposeful connection

The good thing about living in our modern society is we have access to technology that has radically improved our ability to provide aid and make positive change.

This, of course, makes it much easier for us to embrace purposeful work.

Enter the purpose economy. The result of increasing global awareness and social innovation the marketplace now has a real awareness of the good that can be done and the financial benefits that come with successful purposeful ventures.

Of course for those who are looking to enter the purpose economy there remains the eternal truth that it’s not what you know but who you know.

The vital question then becomes how do you make purposeful connections.

Let’s look at three ways.

Your physical presence in the business world is a huge part of your company identity and your success.  Obviously making purposeful connections when you can’t fully master the logistics of putting yourself out there can be incredibly daunting.

This is where the company platform is so vital. This is what you use to put your name on the map and make your presence known.

Unsure of how to do this? The good news is there are initiatives that can give you the link you need.

Take Purposeful Networks. Once a group aimed at promoting sustainability it now serves as a great way for purposeful companies to successfully develop platforms that promote their brand.

Once your platform is properly set up you can use it to reach out to the people and businesses that will further your cause.

Once you’ve pinpointed who your best connections are the next step to take is to set up purposeful meetings.

These meetings will be your chance to determine how you will work together and what you can do to truly make the greatest impact.

True purposeful meetings cover 5 areas: behavioral science, CSR and legacy, health and well-being, meeting and event design, and technology.

The right purposeful connections will lead you to new developments and avenues to take back to better develop your purpose.

And of course one of the most vital elements of making and maintaining purposeful connections is the follow-up. As they say, “The fortune is in the follow-up” and you can’t afford to neglect this vital aspect of the conversation.

What does this mean? You want to keep in contact with these connections as you continue to grow your platform and company.

These connections you are making to further your purpose will continue to be of use as you continue towards your ultimate goal.

Don’t leave them out of the loop. You may find they can help you further and they may find they need your help too as they aim to reach their purpose.

Technology makes it easier than ever to follow up. Whether via phone, email, teleconference or in person keep in contact with your purposeful connections. These continued relationships will prove invaluable as you continue along the path to your purpose.

No man is an island and it’s much harder to achieve your goals if you’re working without any help.

Luckily the world is full of innovators and entrepreneurs that share your aspirations and goals. Reach out to your circles and discover businesses and entrepreneurs that will help your cause.

Purposeful connections will prove to be a major asset in your quest to meet your purpose. Use them well.