Home Blog Let's Make the '20s a Decade of Purposeful Work
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Let’s Make the ’20s a Decade of Purposeful Work

SDG circle and text saying Purposeful work

It’s a new year—a new decade—and everyone’s gearing up to put a fresh face forward.

Have you made resolutions? Were any of them concerning purposeful work?

According to Gallup 85% of people hate their jobs and worldwide employee engagement is only 15%. And the effects of these ill-fitting jobs can range from insomnia to body pains and ill health to mental health issues. In a nut shell our bodies are screaming at us to find better employment.

If you’re relating to this situation maybe 2020 should be the year you explore purposeful work.

Let’s look at why.

Although media has often tried to push this narrative that we’re supposed to hate our jobs there is no rule that says this is true. We all know the adage, “Do what you love and you’ll never work another day in your life,” and it really is true.

Imagine being excited by what you’re doing at your job. Imagine knowing that what you’re doing is making a positive impact on the planet. This is what purposeful work offers you.

A study done by Imperative found that employee engagement and satisfaction are both significantly higher in purposeful work.

The modern worker knows this. Across the globe Millennials and Generation Z are both actively seeking out purposeful work. Their level of success depends on their employment area (according to a study done by Olivet Nazarene University education and non-profit/social services have the highest levels of purpose attainment while sales and retail rank at the bottom).

So how do you find purposeful work?

First, ask yourself what drives you. Purposeful work is not a one-size-fits-all concept and what drives someone else obviously will not necessarily drive you.

Do you want to save the environment? Change society’s ills? Help the less fortunate? Use that drive to seek out roles that will give you the skills you need to work towards this goal.

There are systems that can help. Koya Leadership Partners is one such example, working on the idea that “The Right Person in the Right Place Can Change the World”. Another option is the Works Design Communications. These initiatives can help you find the placements that best suit your needs and desires.

You may not find the perfect purposeful role right away but each role you explore can help you gain skills and experience that will serve you well when you find the ideal role.

Okay, but what if you’re already established in your career and don’t know how to shift gears? Don’t worry, you still have the opportunity to pursue purposeful work.

One option is to explore purposeful work outside of work. This could mean volunteering or starting a side business and is a way to introduce purpose to your life.

Project X is another great initiative to look into if you want to explore how to introduce purpose into your career. With both a Get Unstuck Lab and a Purpose Accelerator you can choose how intense your journey will be.

Purposeful work is not something limited to a privileged few. Your route there will be personal but it is definitely achievable.

As Robert Bryne once said, “The purpose of life is a life of purpose.” We need to bring purpose into our lives and into our businesses.

Introducing purposeful work into your life will be better for your health and better for the planet. Make the change. You’ll be glad you did.