Home Blog How Your Company Can Be an Eco-Hero
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How Your Company Can Be an Eco-Hero

Hero hands holding up a globe


Heroes have always been important to humanity. We hold these figures up as proof the world isn’t all bad and examples of the amazing things people can do—when they’re the right people.

Groups of people can be a hero. It’s logical, following that mindset, that a company (which is in essence a group of people) can also be a hero. And what could be better than a hero for the planet? An SDG warrior?

But how? What can a company do to position itself as a hero in today’s world?

First, determine your area of expertise. What is it you do better than anyone that will change the world and make it a better place for everyone? When it comes to superheroes we tend to link the savior element with crime, but a true hero fights against injustice and for a better world for humanity.

Find where your company fights best and position yourself as super-powered in that area. Make sure you’re very clear where your powers lie, whether it be fighting injustice by harnessing the amazing power of FinTech or using your sixth sense to pinpoint where green energy can be unleashed.

Second, determine your enemy. Every hero has an enemy, an evil that needs to be vanquished in order to save the day and ensure a brighter tomorrow.

Luckily (or unluckily, depending on your perspective) our world is full of potential villains. Climate change, income inequality, gender inequality, etc., all of these are evils that can be brought forth as the ultimate enemy for your hero company to vanquish.

The third step to becoming a superhero SDG business or startup is to take an official stand. Let everyone know who you are, what you can do and how you are going to defeat your arch-nemesis. Stand strong and make your rallying cry loud and clear.

This is where your purpose fits in. The world needs to know what you can do and you need to make sure you lay it all out in a way that makes it clear you mean business.

The final and very important step to becoming a superhero #SDG #business or #startup is make sure there is follow-up. Words are empty if there are no actions behind them.

More importantly, this is not a one-shot mission. Your company is in it for the long haul and is ready to stand strong as you battle the marketplace.

Every battle, every stage, will affect what happens and how you appear to the masses. Play it right and your actions will help define your message.

Follow these steps and you will be well set up to prove the superhero nature of your business. Amazing things can happen when these super figures make themselves known and I can’t wait to see what you guys are going to do.