Home Blog How Companies Can Help Achieve the SDGs
Sustainable development logo and icons illustrating all 17 goals

How Companies Can Help Achieve the SDGs



Sustainable development logo and icons illustrating all 17 goals

Back in 2003 a documentary called the Corporation looked at the modern business and how healthy it was as an entity in our world. The prognosis was far from good. Deceitful, remorseless and amoral, corporations can be seen as psychopathic entities.

Is this true? Are corporations a sign of the evil in our world?

I don’t think so. Corporations have the potential to do amazing things for the world, provided they use their power properly.

Today’s companies can do this by aligning themselves with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), truly showing their willingness to use their power for good.

Why and how should your company do this? Let’s look at some reasons.

Let’s start with why. The first reason to align your company to the 2030 Agenda is the simple fact that it’s good for business. Attracting millennials and gen Y is vital for survival and these generations are willing to vote with their wallet.

In other words, if you want to attract a valuable section of the market and guarantee their loyalty you have to ensure you pitch yourself in the right way.

Another reason is the simple fact that embracing the SDGs is good for the economy and good for the planet.

Consider the findings of the Business Commission, which note that achieving the goals will open up at least $12 trillion in opportunities.

The SDGs are where the market is moving and any company that doesn’t want to be left behind needs to prepare itself to join the movement.

How can your business help build a more sustainable world? This is something you need to determine to figure out how to pitch yourself in the new marketplace.

When figuring out how your business can align itself with the SDGs look at the company’s existing plans and analyze how they work with sustainability.

Consider the major categories of gender equality, community, energy and health. Note how your company or product addresses issues here and get ready to use that to present yourself to the new woke marketplace.

For inspiration and camaraderie check out any of the numerous Sustainable Brands conferences taking place across the globe.

Once you calculate the company’s new scope the next step is the relaunch. An official relaunch or rebrand can be the ideal way to raise the prominence of your company or allow it to grow in a changing marketplace.

Here, of course, you can stress your new clean, green image. Make it a central part of your promotion. More importantly, use it as a way to make a positive change that will impact lives across the planet.

Eco-innovation is vital for the survival of our species and we need everyone—including the business world—on board if we want to succeed.

A good business and business owner knows the importance of reinvention and the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda provide fantastic incentive for companies to undergo the reinvention that will better the world.

Corporations aren’t psychopaths. Or at least they don’t have to be.

If all companies step up to do their part the quest to clean up the Earth will have a much higher chance of success.

If you don’t own a company but want to help ensure this future show your support through your wallet. Patronize the companies showing green initiative and blacklist the ones ignoring the climate crisis.

Let’s do this.