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Children standing behind a sign that says "Kids want climate justice."

Our Children Want to Solve Climate Change

Kids standing behind a sign that says "kids want climate justice."

Our climate is changing and humans have a hand in this change. If we want to survive we need to change too. But will we be able to?

They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. It’s also been found that climate change is seen as much more of a threat by younger generations. Knowing this, it’s easy to see that our best bet when it comes to stopping climate change are innovations made by young startups.

These startups are run by entrepreneurs who have grown up with technology and know how to use it. They know the power it possesses and the good that power can be used for.

It’s said that climate change will most deeply affect those who did the least to cause it. At the same time, those with limited access to funding have less access to the technology that can reduce our global footprint.

Millennials have shown to be incredibly socially conscious and politically aware and have acted to increase public awareness. The rise of Occupy Wall Street for example, was part of a growing awareness of and uprising against economic inequality.

Given this situation it makes sense that these entrepreneurs are aiming to help the less fortunate join the fight against climate change.

Solstice is a great example of the positive advances coming from millennial minds. This initiative is setting out to make solar energy accessible and affordable, in turn giving a wider audience the chance to switch to clean, renewable energy. The company uses its own EnergyScore to calculate and determine your qualification, giving access to the segments of the population previously excluded by conventional credit score requirements.

This is fantastic news for those who want to join the energy revolution but figured it was out of access to them.

If you like a good steak I have bad news for you: modern animal farming is one of the major contributors to climate change.

The good news is there may be a solution: regenerative agriculture.

This form of farming is setting out to reverse the damage done to the earth and was called by the Rodale Institute “a down-to-earth solution to global warming.”

By switching to regenerative grazing farmers could minimize the carbon damage amassed by cattle grazing.

PastureMap is ready to help farmers make the transition. Another millennial-headed initiative, this company’s platform is designed to help farmers use technology to better manage their land and grazing techniques and in turn improve the soil quality and reduce emissions.

Considering our (growing) penchant for meat you can see how important this platform is. I look forward to seeing the company grow and expand in the coming years.

These amazing young climate change startups and entrepreneurs are not limited to North America of course. Climate change is a global issue and startups across the globe are ready to join the fight.

Take Pluvi.On for example. This life-saving innovation based in Brazil is set to redesign how we deal with floods and flood warnings with the help of smart data. As climate change increases the frequency and intensity of storms these warnings will become more and more important.

Another food-linked innovation, Techfarm and the technology that underlies it will prove to be vital in the coming years. A Thai startup, the company aims to help fishermen and farmers manage their water capabilities, something that becomes more important as our access to fresh water becomes more limited.

Although climate change and its implications are terrifying we should find comfort and hope in the amazing work being done by the younger generations. The world over these entrepreneurs understand where the need lies in the market and the world at large and are working on creating solutions.

We need solutions to coming crises like peak oil and climate change. Let’s support the brilliant young minds that are offering us a better way.