Home Blog How You Can Help Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
Poster of all sustainable development goals

How You Can Help Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable development logo and icons illustrating all 17 goals


Chances are you don’t set government protocol, nor do you control what major corporations are doing with their waste. With the monster of climate change hanging over us and rampant corporate damaging behaviour continuing it’s easy enough to fall into the mindset of “I’m one person, a nobody, standing against climate change….it’s not worth it” but this is how the war passes the point of no return and we all lose.

You can’t control the major elements, but there are still things you (and we all) can do. Some of them may seem little but even the little things add up. What can you do to join the fight?

Well, if you’ve been following the blogs you’ve already done the first step, which is to educate yourself. Learn about the sustainable development goals, why we need them and what we can do to enact them. This will prove helpful throughout, as knowledge is power and will give you the strength to keep going as well as give you the tools to bring others to the cause.

Technology is a great way to achieve so many things and SDG apps can help you ensure you’re doing what you can to meet the goals.

Take the Global Goals app for example.  This app allows users to learn more about the specific goals, fundraise and donate to SDG causes and get updates on what progress is being made.

SDGs in Action is another app aimed at helping people embrace and achieve the goals. As well as helping people learn about the goals the app helps people set up and promote actions and events to help spread the word.

Awareness and financial support are two things any movement or cause needs and you can help with this by bringing the cause to your workplace.

Beyond helping to spread the word on SDGs bringing in a cause to rally around can help foster teamwork and camaraderie.

If such an endeavor seems outside your knowledge SDG Compass can help guide you through the process. The site is a fantastic database of organizations aligned with the SDGs, showing their contributions. Companies and entrepreneurs wanting to join the fight can also download the SDG Compass Guide to teach them how to connect with the SDGs.

An unfortunate truth is financial support is vital if we want these innovators to continue working towards solutions for tomorrow. Fundraising campaigns and donations are vital to keeping these important causes searching for a solution and improving the world.

If you are aiming to do a fundraiser to support the efforts of an SDG cause (or just want to donate) check out Global Impact. They provide backing for companies aiming to better the world.

Fundraisers are also a great way to network and further spread the message and importance of sustainable development. We need as many people on board as possible so we can take on the big players and really reduce our overall footprint.

Of course the final thing you can do to help support the SDGs is actively live the goals.

The Good Life Goals is a fantastic resource for information on how to best live your life sustainably and in line with the SDGs.

You have likely heard the phrase “First do no harm” before, possibly when someone is referring to the Hippocratic oath. This concept of limiting your damage before taking any other action may actually be one of the most important things any of us can do.

It’ll be hard work but I know all of us have it in us to do what it takes to meet the 2030 Agenda.