Home How to Build a Purposeful & Sustainable Workforce
SDG circle with workforce in the middle.

How to Build a Purposeful & Sustainable Workforce

SDG circle with workforce in the middle.

We’re coming to the end of 2019. Next month we’ll be in a new year and a new decade. This seems like a great opportunity to look at what we can do to ensure the next decade sees us taking the road that leads to a purposeful and sustainable world.

One of the major areas to consider is the work world. We spend so much time at our jobs and turning this area into something that represents sustainability and purposefulness will go a long way towards the creation of a better world for everyone.

So how do you ensure your workforce is representing the move towards a purposeful and sustainable world?

The first area to consider is the overall identity of the business.

If you want to attract and retain the right staff you need to present the right image to the market at large.

What’s the company’s message and purpose and what face is the company putting forward?

Your company brand needs to clearly project the positive impact you are seeking to make. In the modern world there are numerous routes you can take: social media, partnerships, charity work, marketing and promotion, etc.

Once your identity is established you can use this to ensure everyone at the company is working towards the same goal. Company events or retreats are great ways to create, build and keep initiative going.

Purposeful businesses are the way of the future. If you can build a strong employee base you are on your way to making a real positive impact on the world.

Next, let’s talk about health.

The health of your employee base is important for a number of reasons and is definitely an issue you need to keep in mind. This is why many corporations look into workplace wellness initiatives to better the lives of their employees. These initiatives, however, are not the best way to improve the health of your workforce.

Holistic wellness is a huge part of our overall health. Introducing and highlighting purposeful work is an ideal way to improve holistic wellness levels.

If it isn’t already clear, make it known the positive impact your company is making. Encourage your employees to recognize the good work they are doing and the positive impact they are making.

As well, take a good look at the food options offered at the workplace. Are they healthy and sustainable? Simple steps (non-dairy coffee, locally-sourced food) can help pave the way towards a sustainably fed workforce.

The final area to consider is environmental.

Obviously a sustainable business needs to be operating in a way that is green and low on the carbon footprint scale.

The first step is to properly ensure systems are set up to make environmentalism easy. Ensure easy access to reusable products in the kitchen and office and set up proper recycling and green bin receptacles.

Of course in order to truly ensure your business is sustainable your staff will need to be on board, ready, willing and able to reduce their eco-footprint.  The good news is the younger generations—from Millennials and on—are much more eco-conscious, which means it won’t be difficult to get everyone on board when it comes to operating your business as a green business.

Consider volunteering together to a green cause. It’s a great team-building experience and can help foster a real sense of camaraderie and achievement. It’ll be good for the business, good for the staff and good for the planet.

Agencies including Volunteer Canada or Nature Conservancy of Canada can help you set up the best way to include corporate citizenship and community engagement in your business.

It’s not impossible to create a sustainable workplace—in fact it’s pretty simple. With a series of changes you can make your business one that cares about the planet and shows it.

As we know, the UN set up the Sustainable Development Goals and set a 2030 deadline for the achievement of these goals.

If we want to make solid progress towards these goals we need to ensure that every element of our life is sustainable. This includes the work world.

All businesses should be taking the proper steps towards becoming a purposeful and sustainable company. Are you doing the right things to ensure your workforce is ready?