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Blockchain Can Help Save the Planet

Blockchain in front of computer coding.


Recycling is such an important concept and practice.

As our time on this planet extends and the damage we have inflicted increases recycling becomes even more important as we strive to minimize our footprint.

Although it’s terrible to say, a lot of people won’t do something if there isn’t anything in it for them. And for some strange reason, “You’re helping to save the planet” doesn’t qualify as a valid reward.

What do we do? We pair up blockchain and recycling and use this amazing powerhouse team to give people more reasons to recycle.

Let’s look at how.

One of the reasons many people sneer at recycling is the belief that it’s not worth it. The process can seem overwhelming and it can seem like it would be so much easier to just chuck everything in the trash. I mean, is it really making a difference? And are companies pulling their weight?

The good news is blockchain technology is making it easier to see just what is being done.

After all, blockchain is a revolution when it comes to data collection. With this technology we now have the opportunity and ability to better track the path of our waste and recyclables.

This is what Rubicon Global is aiming to do. Its system is designed to help track the passage of a company’s garbage and recycling and can help find new ways to divert waste and increase revenue. It may prove to be the most important app a company uses.

Think of it: an easier way to both increase a company’s sustainability levels and prove the eco-friendly nature of the brand.

This concept, naturally, could go a long way towards making people understand the impact their material goods actually have. If we could see how much waste we are actually creating and how we could in fact divert parts of this waste we could further reduce global garbage rates.

Recereum knows this and has set up a platform to incentivize people to start fully sorting their waste and increase their recycling rates, offering coins for users who show they know the importance of reducing, reusing and recycling.

With this knowledge that blockchain is giving us we will be able to see how vital recycling is.

Let’s hope this becomes the way of the future.

Although the green movement is growing as knowledge grows we are still sitting on years and years of accumulated plastic garbage.

This is why our oceans are now flooded with plastic. How do we solve this problem?

Perhaps taking a page from the notion of giving children allowances for cleaning their room, companies are stepping forth to offer solid rewards to people who help with the garbage mess.

The biggest example of this is the Plastic Bank. The brainchild of IBM, this initiative is helping people living in poverty (currently Haiti, Philippines and Brazil) by giving them a new way to earn income. People who collect and bring in ocean-bound plastic are given token rewards that, as they exist on the blockchain, are safe and secure. These tokens, through the mobile app platform, can then be used to support their daily needs.

And the plastic collected? This becomes Social Plastic, a product people and companies can purchase and use.

Blockchain is helping clean up our mess and raise people out of poverty. This really is fantastic.

It’s great to see the solid work being done in the recycling field. That being said, props should be given to the first partnership in this field. RecycleToCoin is the brainchild of the Blockchain Development Company (BCDC) and gives the general population another reason to recycle.

Think about it: You’ve been throwing your recyclables into the recycling bin because you know the importance of reduce, reuse and recycle. (You have, right?) Well, now you can get something back after doing a good deed.

Users bring in plastic bottles and aluminum cans and trade these recyclables for reward points or BCDC tokens, which can be used to buy eGift Cards or exchanged for cryptocurrency. If you are the charitable type and like what Plastic Bank is doing, you can also donate your tokens to them.

All your transactions and points are easily viewable on the RecycleToCoin app.

Watch for the launch of your local collection point and then get ready to recycle in a new way.

Let me say this again: Recycling is such an important concept and practice. We need to reduce the amount of raw materials we are using and trash we are creating and recycling is one of the ways we can do this. It lowers emissions, reduces harmful extractions from the earth and saves energy.

As important as it is, the sad reality is sometimes people need a bit more incentive to put in the effort and sort their waste. Luckily there is blockchain. This technology is now set to help improve recycling rates the world over. How great is that?