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Why Biofuel Is Purposeful Work

SDG circle and text saying Purposeful work

We need to make some serious changes (or upgrades) to our day-to-day dealings if we want to continue living on this planet.

This, in many ways, is fueling the rise of purposeful work. People see the need for change and want a part in implementing the change. Given humanity’s ingenuity, this is leading to some amazing developments.

Look at the connection between purposeful work and biofuel.

We know we need an alternative to fossil fuels. Not only are they incredibly damaging (for a number of reasons) it also happens to be a finite resource and we need to be prepared for what we do in a post-fossil fuel world.

Biofuel serves as an example of the importance of purposeful work and what it can do. Let’s look at why.

By now we all know the damaging environmental impact that comes with fossil fuel extraction and the pollution caused by car exhausts.

Finding an alternative is vital if we want to continue our lives with many of our modern conveniences.

Biofuel is being put forth by many great minds as the alternative to fossil fuels, a way to continue our car-dependent lives while reducing the environmental impact.

Innovators saw the potential in this area and sought out a way to offer solutions—in turn serving as an example of purposeful work.

Take Rothsay and DAR PRO Solutions as examples of companies doing purposeful work. These companies and their workers assist food operators in removing their waste and directing it all towards new uses like renewable fuel.

This is work that needs to be done. Whether you believe we’ve hit peak oil yet or agree with the environmental aspect of fossil fuels the concept has enough danger attached to it that seeking alternatives should be the unquestioning norm.

Another reason advancements in biofuel can be seen as purposeful work: the political impact.

We know the dangers that come from our dependency on oil from the Middle East and the stranglehold oil has on our society at large. This is in many ways a huge problem. Without a viable alternative we are held hostage to the politics of the region and the cost fluctuations.

Reducing the power fossil fuels have over our world could prove to be a major game changer and set us on the path towards a cleaner and more peaceful existence. This is a shift we should all want to take.

We should be supporting the innovators seeking these alternative fuels as this is purposeful work that could really help improve the world.

Biofuel is an incredibly important field with a lot of potential that can still be explored.

The good news is Canada sees this and is doing what it can to ensure Canadians have a part in the discovery and development of the alternative energy field.

CanmetENERGY and the Canadian Biomass Innovation Network (CBIN) are examples of the work we are putting in to ensure Canadian minds and Canadian innovation is at the forefront of the bioenergy revolution. These amazing think tanks are doing vital research into the potential and future of this alternative energy field.

Canadian minds have come up with amazing game changers in the past and I look forward to seeing what these innovators uncover.

Purposeful work is incredibly important, obviously. We need people approaching this area as it is how we will get to the breakthroughs that make our lives better.

This area when combined with the SDGs and CleanTech is how we will uncover what needs to be done to put us on the right path and move towards a brighter tomorrow. Pay attention to it, as your future is in its hands.