Home Blog 5 Reasons to Start a Purposeful Startup
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5 Reasons to Start a Purposeful Startup

SDG circle and text reading purposeful startups
Do you want to make a difference in this world? Do you also dream about running your own business? If so, launching a purposeful startup may be the road you should be taking.

This week let’s look at the top 5 reasons why.

Reason 1: Passion. Talking yourself into waking up in the morning and putting on your business hat can take a lot out of you during the tough stretches. If you have created a project you really believe in and know it’s going to make a positive impact on the world that drive will be much stronger.

Reason 2: Potential.  The job market is changing, with part-time and contract work steadily replacing full-time roles. Entrepreneurship is a growing field—by 2020 it’s believed there will be 1 billion entrepreneurs—and the reason for this is the incredible potential that exists in controlling your business journey.

Purposeful work covers a large field and you can easily find a route that fits your interests and skills. It is the way we should want the market to go so (aspiring) entrepreneurs should definitely be looking into it more closely.

Reason 3: Health. Multiple studies have pointed out the relationship between work and your overall health. When you’re forcing yourself to get up every morning to slave away at a job you hate you are negatively impacting your mind, body and soul.

On the other hand, people working with purpose see the positive effects extend across their lives, and this includes better health. The reasons are varied, but a major one is a higher interest in self-health.

Choosing instead to pursue a purposeful career path will reduce your burdens and put you on a much better path mentally and physically.

Reason 4: Positive impact. So many of us want to live by the mantra of “Be the change you want to see in the world.” A purposeful startup gives you the chance to do just this.

Reason 5: Profit. For some this will be the main driver for entering the market. The reality is that many purpose-driven areas have incredible potential for positive gains.

CleanTech is the most obvious example. This ever-growing field is vital in our quest to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) but it also serves as a market worth over $1 trillion. HealthTech is another important example. So much good is coming out of this market and by 2024 the global digital health market will be worth more than $379 billion.

It is possible to turn a profit while making a positive impact on the planet. This is good news for entrepreneurs and those getting ready to launch a purposeful startup.

Should you launch a purposeful startup? That is obviously your decision but if you do it may prove to be the most impactful thing you do.


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