Home Blog 3 Ways Your Company Can Join the SDG Movement

3 Ways Your Company Can Join the SDG Movement

SDG circle with business work person in the centre.

The work world is constantly changing. Whether because of politics, awareness or technology how we function at our jobs and how these jobs are managed shifts to meet the new world.

In today’s market it’s not enough to just offer a base product. Today’s consumers expect more from their businesses and modern companies have to give off the right image to attract an audience—or a workforce.

Modern businesses need a purpose.

If you didn’t build your business on the basis of a social cause this doesn’t mean you can’t go in this direction. Let’s look at 3 ways you can introduce a deeper purpose to your company.

The first route you can take is to embrace the environmental movement and become a green business. You might be surprised to find how keen your workers are to take on eco-friendly policies.

Look at the various areas in which you can promote environmental sustainability.

Your route here will obviously depend on the basis of your business, but ensuring your office space is green and limiting the carbon footprint the business creates are two steps every business can easily embrace. Offering products and/or services that help people reduce their footprint is another option and one that is smart considering the growing interest in this field.

We need more green businesses and taking this route is good for the planet.

The second route you can take is the philanthropic route.  Corporate philanthropy can prove to be a great way to support vital causes both in your community and on a larger scale.

This is important, as corporations have power individuals do not have and using that power to make a positive impact is one of the ways we can minimize human damage on the planet.

There are many ways you can work philanthropy into your company. Obviously you can introduce fundraising campaigns and fundraising matches, you can introduce grants to help employees support causes, you can set up automatic payroll deductions for those who want to make consistent contributions and you can donate to worthy causes as well.

Introducing a sense of purpose into your company can do wonders for improving office morale and the sense of team mentality. Add that to the benefits that come from helping worthy causes and it’s easy to see why the philanthropic route is a smart route to take.

The third route you can take is one that seeks out equality.

Fully embracing the idea of equal opportunity can improve your company in myriad ways. Numerous studies have shown the benefits equality brings to the workforce (like the McKinsey Global Institute report that found gender equality could add $28 trillion to annual global GDP and $150 billion to Canada’s GDP by 2026), morale and productivity rates rise with more diverse workplaces and having a diverse workforce ensures more perspectives are brought to the table.

The younger generations (millennials, generation Y and Z) are big believers in equality and presenting yourself as a company that believes and perpetuates equality at all levels is a great way to earn and keep their business and their presence as workers.

A rebranding can allow you to reposition the company towards a more equal representation, positioning it in a positive light and attracting new clients interested in supporting forward-thinking companies.

The work world is constantly changing. This is not a bad thing. The more we evolve the better we can become. Think about it: would you want to return to the jobs of the Industrial Revolution, with low wages, long hours and incredibly unsafe working conditions?

This changing world means companies need to also step up their game to meet the new standards. It is definitely possible to do this and will help your company become a fantastic force for change.