Home Blog The Importance of Trees for Sustainability
Picture of dead trees with one live tree in the middle.

The Importance of Trees for Sustainability

Picture of dead trees with one live tree in the middle.


Oxygen: It’s something we don’t spend much time thinking about, but is one of the most important elements when it comes to ensuring our continued existence. Given this fact, the incredible importance of trees cannot be understressed.

Unfortunately the world’s forests are shrinking. This is not just terrible news for our lungs: 80% of the planet’s animal and plant population live in forests and this destruction is destroying their ability to survive.

Goal 15 (or specifically 15.2) of the Sustainable Development Goals addresses this issue and urges us to sustainably manage forests and decrease biodiversity loss. This is an issue that needs the full attention of the world.

The good news is we know this. Let’s look at how we’re addressing the problem.

Technology brings with it a bit of irony: It is (likely) the cause of our destruction but is also our best bet to save ourselves.

Properly used, technology will help us mitigate the damages that have been done to the planet and put us on the path to a greener future.

Replanting the forests needed to ensure our survival is a massive task, one that humanity would be unable to do with just our two hands. But thanks to technology we have invaluable tools at our disposal.

Look at Land Life Company. This innovator is working across the globe, reforesting urban parks, degraded soil and refugee camps in its quest to take CO2 out of our air.

One of its innovations: the Cocoon, a biodegradable pot that helps seedlings absorb nutrients and moisture. This simple but ingenious device increases the survival rate of its seedlings and allows us to grow trees in dry climates.

The Land Life Database is another company asset, creating an easy and valuable way for the company to monitor and analyze data.

BioCarbon Engineering serves as another great example of why technology is needed in the fight to save the planet. The company uses analytics platforms, drones and seedpods to restore forests.

We desperately need to replenish our forests and it’s great to see technology being used this way.

Trees are amazing assets for so many reasons beyond the obvious. On top of oxygen and animal habitats they provide shade, paper, wood and so many other things. But did you know they can also be used to produce oil?

The pongamia tree holds within its structure oilseeds that are incredibly helpful for the creation of many things—pesticides, soap, medicine, fuel, fertilizer. It’s also drought resistant and restores nitrogen. This is a tree that is doing so many great things.

TerViva sees the incredible potential in this tree and is working to increase the pongamia population in Florida and Hawaii—two areas that are desperately in need of more forest presence and have a good climate for the growth of the pongamia tree.

We need to decrease deforestation but we also need to ensure we are growing the right trees. Increasing the presence of pongamia on our planet is a positive step towards a healthier Earth.

As we become more eco-conscious many people start to look at what they can do to reduce their footprint and this extends to their shopping habits. In fact, according to Nielsen 73% of consumers are planning to change their consumption habits to reduce their footprint. That’s why companies that offer people the chance to make a difference with their wallet are important and a growing presence in the marketplace.

Want to help prevent deforestation but lack the skills needed to be a tree planter? There are companies that can give you a way to lend a hand.

Take a look at tentree. This clothing company plants 10 trees for every item purchased and has increased the planet’s tree population by over 20 million (with a goal of 1 billion by 2030).

To make the company even greener, its products are made with sustainable fabrics and materials.

Companies like this are what we need in the modern marketplace, as they give those of us who may not have the connections or ability to make political or environmental changes the chance to help make a positive impact.

There is a Chinese proverb that says, “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The next best time is now.” Humanity understands the importance of trees and many of our great innovators are bringing forth solutions to help combat deforestation.

Think about that as you breathe in the clean air and live to see another day.